Enquiries Received

Research Enquiries – if you can help please contact us. Over the years the Society has received a number of requests for help in researching local families and properties.  We recommend Bonnie Flanagan’s Stately Homes Around Stillorgan and Stillorgan Again but different and Peter Pearson’s Between the Mountains and the Sea as useful local sources.  We are delighted if others are willing to share their knowledge or take on some research.  If you can help with any of the following enquiries we would be delighted to hear from you.

St. Laurence’s Park

Have you any information on the castle that was on the site where the technical school is now? Also, the house that was where the bowling alley is, adjoining this was the orchard and out buildings, part of these buildings was a sweet factory. The house was belonging to what we knew as the Stein family.  [Refer to Obelisk 2010 – “Memories of Tigh Lorcain Hall” – which describes the property before the bowling alley was built.]


I wish to get some information on the Duffy and Henderson families of Kilmacud/Stillorgan. Michael Duffy and Katherine Henderson married on 2 Aug 1853 in Sandyford and two of their children were baptised there; Michael on 19 Jan 1856 and Joseph on 14 Nov 1857.  In Booterstown Church I found the following baptisms for their children; Frances on 4 Jun 1859, Patrick on 15 Jun 1861 and James on 8 Nov 1863. Their address was given as Kilmacud.  I know that Frances died in Westbury, Stillorgan on 13 Oct 1864. Present at her birth was Hannah Henderson, her grandmother. This family moved in to Dublin, to 6 Grattan Court, near Holles Street in the early to mid 1860’s.

Park House

Many of the people are very interested in the history of Park House and we wondered if someone has any information on the subject ?

Old Kilmacud Church

I have been trying to find out a little bit about the old Kilmacud church, now Fruit World, and wonder please do you have any information ?

Moore’s Terrace

I’d like to find out what happened to the residents of Moore’s Terrace and those properties on Stillorgan Road that were cleared for the shopping centre in the 1960s.

Leopardstown Park House

I am currently researching Power’s Distillery and the Power family. I would be very grateful if you know of any information relating to the history of Leopardstown Park House.

“Stillorgan Land”

Can you help with interpreting the location of the property in this Lease of Assignment made in 1767 : “all that and there three pieces or parcels of Land with the new Slate house and offices built thereon Containing by Estimation six acres more or less being part of the Town and Land of Booterstown Mearing (sic) and bounding on the South to Denis Kenedys Bryan Rouks John Murphys Chas Molloys and Danl Girsaghtys holdings on the west to the great Road from Wicklow to Dublin and to part of James O’Mearas and Garrett Stantons holdings by Land Mark on the north to Mr Ashe’s and Mrs Pickett’s holdings and on the East Alderman Sankey’s holding and Stillorgan Land”

Kilmacud House

Would you be able to point me in the direction of where I could get information on Kilmacud House?

Garnaville/ Garnavilla

In the 1870s / 1880s, one of my ancestors lived at an address ‘Garnaville Stillorgan’ which I assume is a house name but can’t find anything which might indicate what type of house it was or where it was so assume it may have been knocked down by now. If you know of any way I can find out anything about where the house may have been, what it was like or failing that just general historical information on what the area was like at that time please let me know, I would be very grateful.   [John Doherty (b.1849 in Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal) and his wife Charlotte Isabel Clarke (b.1849 Ranelagh, Dublin) with their nine children, lived in Garnavilla in the 1880s.  After which the family moved to London.  Refer to Obelisk 2010 – “Norah Elam : A Notorious Feminist Fascist from Stillorgan” – Norah was one of the nine children.]
[Garnavilla was located on the Lower Kilmacud Road, Stillorgan.  It was demolished in the 1960s.]
[John O’Grady advised that the Varian family, brush manufacturers, are recorded as living in Garnavilla in the 1901 and 1911 censuses.  It was a substantial house for the time with at least 16 rooms.  John believes the house may have been demolished in the early 1980s]

BLUE Family

According to the 1911 census returns the BLUE family lived at 20 Galloping Green, Stillorgan.  Dugald senior was born in Scotland and moved to Limerick with his parents, probably as a youngster, about 1860. In 1911 he lived with his wife Mary, sons George and Dugald junior, daughter Mary Eleanor (Nell) and Dugald junior’s family – his wife Anna and their children. Dugald Blue senior’s occupation was a manufacturer’s agent. He is said to have been a ‘great character’. He wrote and read stories on Radio Éireann and was often mentioned in newspapers of the time for his songs and recitations. Apparently he never lost his Scots accent.  Has anyone any information about the BLUE family? Dugald’s descendants would be grateful for any snippets of information! [We have been contacted by one of Dugald’s great-grandsons]


Ann Kavanagh daughter of William and Julia (nee Flynn) was born on the 15th May 1913, in Newtownpark, Stillorgan.  She had a brother named James and sisters Nora, Eileen and Veronica, presumed born in the same area. Any information about the family address etc would be much appreciated.


Jenny LC is researching the Holden family: Mary Anne Holden b.c1795 (place unknown); her children, James b.c1817 and Jane b.c1823 were both believed to have been born in Stillorgan; not known where Mary Anne was married or to whom.
It appears Mary Anne was a servant to the family of Charles Burton Newenham, who also was born and lived in Stillorgan.  In 1837, Lewis noted that a Capt. Newenham lived in Talbot Lodge in Stillorgan parish, which at the time included Blackrock. A newspaper advertisement from 1837 states that there was an auction of household furniture to be held at Belmont, near Stillorgan Brewery, Bray Road, which was to be held on 1 August 1837 for CB Newenham.  On 17 August 1837, the Holdens & Newenhams sailed from Gravesend, England on the ship Navarino to Australia as free settlers.  Any help you can give would be much appreciated.   [The Newenham family may have lived in Belmont House]

WILLIAMS Family of Kilmacud Stillorgan

James Williams was a bookseller/printer of Skinner’s Row and Dame Street, Dublin.  He was involved through business with Luke White and married Dorothea Archer.  James and Dolly (as she was known) had several children: James, Frances, Jane, Alice, Sarah and William.  Both boys attended Trinity College and King’s Inns. William became a Captain with the 9th Light Dragoons and later a cornet with the 11th Light Dragoons. His rather heroic death is recorded in Napier’s History of the Peninsular War.   James Williams owned a property in Kilmacud. He died at Bray in 1787 and the property went to his wife but then went to his son William. William got into financial difficulties with a bank he had founded with his brother-in-law Michael Finn and this property somehow found its way back to Dolly Williams.  Williams and Finn owed £300,000 when the bank became insolvent and only William’s death saved Michael Finn from going to jail. Michael Finn was the son of Edmond Finn, founder of Finn’s Leinster Journal in Kilkenny. Any further information would be appreciated.   [The Statistical Survey of the County Dublin, by Lieutenant Joseph Archer (published 1801) records that the seat of James William, Esq. in Kilmacud, “was a good house, beautifully situated, commanding an extensive view of the sea, and a fine improved country; the demesne is about twenty-five acres”.]
[The 1816 Coote map of Stillorgan shows the property of Williams Esq, which stretched along the Lower Kilmacud Road from Janeville (now Glenalbyn).]

Maria Margaretta KIRWAN

The 1901 census of Ireland records that Jack Kirwan’s great-grandfather’s sister Maria Margaretta Kirwan was on the board of governors of the Sheils’ Institute in Stillorgan.  She died there three years later.  She lived at 11 Tipperstown, Stillorgan.  Miss Kirwan in her census return referred to the institution as one of her main sources of income. Jack would be delighted to receive any additional information you may have.

A La Francaise, delicatessen in Stillorgan

Iris McGee married Rene Riou and together they set up A La Francaise, a huge delicatessen in Stillorgan, along with a branch in Killiney and one in Wicklow Street.  They both live in France now.  Are there any old photos of their shop in Stillorgan Shopping Centre? Aoife McGee, niece of Iris, was only a child at the time but still vividly remembers the cake counter! Can you help Aoife with a photograph?

Drumgoff, Stillorgan Park

Would anyone have any information on a house called Drumgoff in Stillorgan Park which was once owned by the Moffatt family? According to the 1901 census, William Moffatt and his family were living in 19 Mount Merrion Avenue with the Masson Family.  William Moffatt was married to Mary C. Masson and by 1910, they had moved to Drumgoff, Stillorgan Park. Turtle Bunbury would appreciate any help.

Lieutenant Martin FitzGerald (1917-1945)

Jory Verhagen, from a museum in the town of Geffen in the Netherlands, contacted us seeking help in finding out about Lieutenant Martin FitzGerald.  The museum is preparing an exhibition about the Second World War.  Martin FitzGerald was awarded a Military Cross for his actions in liberating Geffen.    We found that the FitzGerald family originally lived in Ardilea, Dundrum / Mount Merrion.  Martin was the son of Senator Martin Thomas FitzGerald and Mary Kathleen Fogarty.  [With the help of the Dundrum Historical Society and the Irish Times,  Jory has been put in contact with Lieutenant Martin FitzGerald’s daughter Catherine.]
(See article on ‘Lieutenant Martin FitzGerald MC (1917-1945)’ by Clive O’Connor in Obelisk 2023)


Nessa Gunne is looking for information on the history of Knocknashee estate.  Some parts of the basement of the original houses that were there before the estate was built are still to be found.  Can anyone provide additional information? [An article on St. Stephen’s School in Obelisk 2013 gives some information on Drummartin House and Eden Park that were demolished to make way for Knocknashee.]

Merville in Kilmacud

Merville, a country residence of W. J. McCausland, Esq. in the parish Kilmacud, is mentioned in Samuel Lewis’ A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland in 1837.  Leslie Karr, from Belgium, would like to know the circumstances in which it acquired its name.

Pierce Family, Stillorgan

Eugene O’Connor is looking for information on the Pierce family who resided in Stillorgan, possibly in Moore’s Cottages (where the shopping centre is now) or near Boland’s Pub.  [With the help of Paddy Rochford, we were able to provide some details and leads to Eugene.]

Meta S. Guinness, Farmleigh, Stillorgan

Janice Reilly, from England, has a copy of a book, The Works of Robert Burns, with the inscription  ‘Meta S. Guinness Farmleigh, Stillorgan, March 19th 1868’. It also has a coat of arms with a Latin motto Spes Mea in Deo.   Janice would be grateful for any information on Meta S. Guinness.
[Michael Fitzgerald who writes from Australia, advised that the Dublin Evening Mail reported that Miss Meta Guinness of Farmleigh, Stillorgan was presented to their Excellencies the Lord Lieutenant, K,G. and the Marchioness of Abercorn at their second Drawing Room for the season at Dublin Castle in March 1868. In addition, the Dublin Daily Express reported two instances of Meta arriving at Kingstown (now Dún Laoghaire) from London in 1876 and 1879. Michael suggests that Meta was in fact Margaret Sophia Guinness (b.1845), daughter of Robert Rundell Guinness and his second wife Mary Anne Moore.
At the time of the 1881 census, Margaret was staying with the Pennefather family in Kensington, London. Margaret died 22 October 1913 at Lansdown Grove House (nursing home), Bath, Somerset. She did not marry and had been living with the Pennefather family, then at Little Waltham Hall, near Chelmsford, Essex. Thomasina Pennefather was the executor to Margaret’s estate.

Springfield / Kilternan House

Michael Fitzgerald, Australia, is seeking information on Springfield the ancestral home of George Darley.  This became part of the Kilternan Golf and Country Club. [With the help of Brian White (Bray Cualann Historical Society), we were able to provide some details  to Michael.  The former owners of Springfield were Mr. Darley, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Scully,  Mr. Gill and Mr. Rafferty.  The Plunkett family also owned the house.  Among the images in  the book, All in the Blood: A Memoir of the Plunkett Family, by Geraldine Plunkett Dillon there  is one of Joseph Mary Plunkett sitting on the steps of Kilternan House.] 
[Joe Walsh, who lived in the area, has advised that the Plunketts never lived in Springfield. Kilternan Abbey was their home which is a different house. The original entry is beside the Golden Ball Tavern and the name is still on a gate pier. The two houses are about two miles apart – Springfield was in the Scalp on the way to Enniskerry and later became the Dublin Sport Hotel.]

Apex Manufacturing (1936) Co. Ltd

David Egan, Trinity College Dublin, is researching medium sized enterprises that existed in Ireland during the 1940s / 50s / 60s / 70s.  One business in particular he is researching is called Apex Manufacturing (1936) Co. Ltd.  They may have been located in Blackrock, Co. Dublin.  David would be grateful for any information received.  [Thanks to Colm Halpin who has found a sign for “Apex Mfg. Co. (1935) Ltd.” on the wall of an old factory building in Brookfield Terrace, Blackrock.]

Nathaniel Warren, Stillorgan

Owen Clough, Bradenton, Florida, is seeking information on the parents of Nathaniel Warren.  Nathaniel is his fourth great-grandfather through his daughter Eleanor Crean (1780-1860).  She emigrated to the USA in 1838 with her children.  Nathaniel Warren once resided at Stillorgan.  Two genealogists have recorded Nathaniel’s father as Oliver Warren, whose ancestry can be traced to the Magna Carta Barons.  However, Owen has found that Oliver Warren died in 1724 and Nathaniel Warren was not born until 1737. [With the help of Frank Tracy we provided some information to Owen, but the dates issue remains.]
[Owen has advised us of a map ‘of eight acres called the Glebe of Stillorgan, otherwise Acrankil’ made in 1770. A house is marked on it, which was then occupied by a Mr. Peter Warren. The house was part of the manor land of the Allen estate. On 26 March 1743 Lady Margaret Allen leased 28 acres ‘glebe townland’ in Stillorgan, next to the Church, to Peter Warren and his wife Ann. This subsequently became the country residence of Alderman Nathaniel Warren who was Lord Mayor of Dublin 1782-83, MP for Dublin 1784-90 and for Callan 1790 until his death in January 1796. It later became the residence of R.P.White, Esq., and was known as Woodview.  Owen continues to seek any information on the Warren family.]

Alphonsus Culleton

You may recall a short article in Obelisk No. 7 2013 titled The Boy in the Picture.  Fr. Raymond Hickey, OSA, who is from Mount Merrion, was able to confirm that ‘The Boy’ in the picture was Alphonsus Culleton, born about 1912.  Alphonsus worked in the Department of Post and Telegraphs and retired sometime in the 1970s.  He lived in Glasnevin and after retirement, became a lay brother with the Augustinians and worked in John’s Lane, off Thomas Street. [Pension Administration, Department of Communications, Energy, & Natural Resources has some more information on Alphonsus, but only for release to relatives.]

Powells of Bellosquardo 

‘Bellosquardo’ was built c. 1842 by the Powell family.  In latter years it was known as ‘Ardagh House’.  Some remains of the estate walls and / or outbuildings can be found in the Ardagh Estate, off Newtownpark Avenue.  Would anyone be able to help in researching the Powells of Bellosquardo ?  Please contact us.

James Joseph McMahon, Drummartin House

Frances Hall believes her great great grandparents lived in this house in 1882.  The name of her great great grandfather was James Joseph McMahon, a government official.  This is the address on her maternal grandmother’s marriage certificate.  She was married in the Roman Catholic Church of St. Laurence, Kilmacud in the district of Stillorgan on 17 April 1882.  Frances would be grateful for any information on the McMahon family.

Taylor Family, Belmont Gate House, Galloping Green

Steve Fowler is a great grandson of Mary Frances Taylor, who was living in Galloping Green with her grandmother Mary Taylor in 1901.

Steve’s great grandfather Charles Michael Fitzpatrick came from Leeds, England and married Mary Frances in Booterstown.  They had a child Maureen (or Mary Jane) who was born in Blackrock in 1906 and christened at St. John’s.  Charles moved to Leeds soon after, where he died and Mary and Maureen followed and lived at the same address with his sister.

Charles’ grandfather Patrick was from Roscrea and moved to Leeds in 1860 after serving in the army.  He married Joanna Teressa Mayer.  Steve has no more details.  Steve would like to know any possible areas that he could explore to find further information on the family. 

Fernhill House, Kilternan

Pamela Simpson is researching her grandfather, John McConnell, who was a butler in Fernhill House around 1911.  Pamela would like to know if there is a way to access any information on domestic staff employed in the house.
(See article on ‘Fernhill House and Gardens’ by Michael van Turnhout in Obelisk 2021)

Leo Rice

Caroline Chew’s great-uncle Leo Rice (1916-1918) died at the age of 21 months having eaten his mother’s tablets which contained strychnine.  The family lived at ‘All Saints Cottage’, Stillorgan Park and were Catholics.  Caroline, from England, hopes to visit Leo’s grave and would be very grateful for any information on where Leo might have been buried.

Woodley House

Joan Molloy’s great-grandfather worked at Woodley at the beginning of the 20th Century.  He is mentioned in the census of 1901 as a ‘Coachman’ for the Verschoyle family who lived there at the time.  Joan is aware that the Woodley lands were sold off in the 1960s, but wanted to know if anything remains of the 26 room house.  [We were able to give Joan a list (thanks to Frank Tracy) of the occupants from 1831 and advise of the location of the house.  For more information on the history of Woodley Estate refer to the article by Frank Tracy in the 2011/12 issue of Obelisk.]  

Eden Park

Bruce Walker from Mudgee, Australia would be grateful for any details of Eden Park especially between 1780-1820. Some members of his Davis family appear to have lived at Eden Park, including his greatgreat grandfather Henry, who was a Dublin coroner.
[We were able to tell Bruce that Eden Park became part of St. Stephen’s School in 1946 and was demolished sometime in the 1960s or 1970s for housing.  (See article on ‘St. Stephen’s School 1946-1963’ by Neale Webb in Obelisk 2013.)  We also provided references to Eden Park in Lewis’ Topographical Dictionary of Ireland and in Ball’s The Parish of Taney (1895). Ball noted that Sir Robert Harty, (Dublin Lord Mayor 1830) married Elizabeth Davis, eldest daughter of John Davis, on 21 March 1807.]
Bruce advised that his family appears to have the same Jones and Davis roots as Selina Guinness, whose book The Crocodile by the Door provides a lot of useful information. However, Eden Park seems to have been occupied by several generations of the Davis family with more than one named John Davis.

Warren Family in Stillorgan

Maria O’Reilly is researching the Warren family of Warrenmount, Dublin 8. The family also appear to have property in Stillorgan, Woodview and also Leixlip, Springfield. Maria was at a very early stage of this project and looking for any information we may have.  [We were able to advise that an N. Warren was linked to leases (in Stillorgan) for 99 years from 25 March 1786.  The leases (28 acres in total) related to ‘Fields’, ‘Jane Ville’, ‘Clay Pits’, ‘Gate House’ and ‘Dunstafnage’.  We also put Maria in contact with Owen Clough, who is researching Nathaniel Warren.]

Dance Halls in Ireland

Paula Vallely is a Masters student at NCAD in Dublin, researching dance halls in Ireland 1935-1960. Paula came across Pat Sheridan’s article ‘From Barn Dances to Rock and Roll’ in Obelisk 2008 and was wondering where she could read a copy of it. [Pat was happy to provide Paula with a copy of his article.]

Ardmore House

Patrick Flood is trying to find out more about Ardmore House in Stillorgan – he would be very grateful for any help.  [We were able to provide Patrick with a copy of ‘Kilmacud and Stillorgan: Useful Sources of Information’ from Obelisk 2009. We also located a reference in Ball’s The Parish of Taney (1895) that the Right Hon. John Thomas Ball, while Lord Chancellor of Ireland, lived in Ardmore, Roebuck during 1876-80.]

Galloping Green South – Nolan

Gerald Nolan is researching four Nolan brothers from Kilglass, Ahascragh, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway, William and Patrick (butchers) and Joseph and Thomas (gardeners) who were living at House 16, Galloping Green South at the time of the 1911 Census. The house may have been on Stillorgan Road between Brewery Road and Leopardstown Road, opposite Byrne’s Pub.  Family folklore has it that William and Patrick were working in a butchers in Blackrock while Joseph and Thomas worked as gardeners to the Kellett family. There was no trace of the brothers until the 1930s.
If you can help with any books, maps or photos that show the houses and lands in question please let us know.

Irish Suffragettes

2018 will mark one hundred years since Irish women were first granted the right to vote. To mark this centenary, Donna Gilligan is searching for any information connected with the Irish Suffragettes and aims to publish her findings by the time of the anniversary.
If you have, or know of, any items associated with the Irish Suffrage movement, please contact us.

Priory, Stillorgan

Gerlinde Steinle would be delighted to get some information on the Priory that was located in the area of Priory Avenue.  If you can help please contact us.
Jean Bauress is also looking for any information on the Priory wall, which connects with Priory Drive.

Tigh Lorcain Hall

Anthony Gray is researching his late grandmother’s family who lived in, what his aunt described in a short memoir as, Ty Loreham [sic] house, Stillorgan. Anthony wonders if Tigh Lorcain Hall could have been the house in question.
Anthony’s grandmother was Rosa Boland. If you have any information on the Boland family living on the Tigh Lorcain Hall estate in the early 1900s, please let us know.  [The Morrow family purchased Tigh Lorcain Hall in 1926. Who were the previous owners ?]

Boileau Family

Jennifer Hardy is interested in finding out about Simeon Boileau who lived at Lakelands, Kilmacud, Stillorgan in 1841. He was a druggist at 87-88 Bride Street. Jennifer would like to know something about his home at Lakelands.  [We were able to tell Jennifer that Obelisk 2013 has an article on Lakelands, but it notes the occupiers from 1848 only, e.g. the architect John Skipton Mulvany (1813-1870) lived in Lakelands from 1848 to 1857. The article also notes that Lakelands was laid out as a miniature estate by Simeon Boileau in the early 19th century with an attractive U-shaped lake in the grounds. We did find two references to the name Boileau in Ball’s The Parish of Taney (1895):

  • In 1831, a John Theophilus Boileau is recorded as a churchwarden.
  • On 7 September 1882, Brandram Henry Sydenham Boileau married Grace Hayes.]

[Ray Astbury wrote an article, “Lakelands Before Lakelands”, on Lakelands House in a publication Lakelands Past and Present published by the Lakelands Residents Association in 2014.  However, it doesn’t have any further information on Simeon Boileau.]

The Blue Light – Stillorgan Connection

Jackie Roberts’ grandmother was born in Barnacullia, and she lived in Stillorgan just before she got married in 1900. Her name was Brigid (Bridget) Rooney and she married John Joseph Doyle, a grocer, then later a publican (The Blue Light) in Barnacullia.  She was married at the Holy Cross chapel in Dundrum. Her address previous to her marriage was Kilmacud Road, Stillorgan. In preparation for a visit to The Blue Light, Jackie wanted to find out as much as possible about her relatives who lived in this area.

[We were able to provide the following records from the internet :

  • A copy of the marriage cert dated 27/2/1900 for John Doyle and Brigid Rooney.
  • A copy of the 1901 Census Return for Bridget’s parents, Peter and Bridget, in house No.78 in ‘North Stillorgan’.
  • A copy of the 1901 Census Return for John and Bridget Doyle in house No.33 in Barnacullia (Glencullen, Dublin).]

[Peadar Curran (a member of the Ballinteer Active Retirement Association, which published Ballinteer Co. Dublin: A Local History from Rural to Suburban) provided information on the Doyle connection to The Blue Light. This was from a poem in Nick Ryan’s book The Silver Granite, which confirmed the connection and also gives the origin of The Blue Light name.]

Holywell House, Upr Kilmacud Road

Paul Flynn asked if we knew anything about Holywell House off the Upper Kilmacud Road.  The land was built on in the 1980s, but previously there had been the ruin of an old house and riding stables.  Paul is interested in finding out about the original house, its owners etc.  Presumably it was farmed, like the Overends place next door.
If you have any information please let us know.

[Dundrum local historian John Lennon provided the following information:
When Patrick Darcy, Bishop Street, leased the whole townland of Drummartin from Fitzwilliam in 1781, the only feature there was a well – shown on a 1754 map as “St Fountain’s Well”.  As there is no such saint, it’s possibly Fintáin.  The first major project was the opening of a new road from Dundrum to Kilmacud in about 1782 through the middle of Drummartin, now the Upper Kilmacud Road.  Early developments were between this road and Taney Road with Drummartin Castle, Campfield House and Campfield Terrace.  It was Anthony Byrne Darcy, Patrick’s grandson, who got things going on the south side.  On 15 June 1822, he gave a lease to Edward Groves Mason, Serpentine Avenue, Dublin, of 5 acres, 3 roods, 2 perches (Plantation measure) [about 8 acres Imperial] with the dwelling house built thereon.  This became Holywell.]

[Maura Litster advised that William (‘Billy’) Hughes, of the Hughes’ Dairy family, lived here until the land was sold to Sorohan Builders. Billy went to live in Druids Glen, Co. Wicklow, where he died in 2006.]

Elmville, Upper Kilmacud Road

Charlotte McDonnell asks if anyone has any information on this house, which is opposite Dundrum Garda station, or a method of finding the information. Charlotte can´t find it on any census, due to the fact it doesn’t have a house number.
[Maura Litster contacted us to say that Elmville was at one time the home of the Joyce family.]

Old Dublin Road, Stillorgan

Maeve Eyre asked if we had any photos of Old Dublin Road, Stillorgan. Maeve grew up in No.10 Dublin Road and her grandmother lived in No.4. They had to leave their homes when the shopping centre was built in 1966.
Have you any photos of the houses and cottages that you would be willing to share?

World War Two

John Drummin noted that there seems to be good information on Stillorgan/Kilmacud men in World War One, but asks if is there any information on Stillorgan/Kilmacud men in World War Two?

Rockfield House, Sandyford Road

Zara Culleton Brady is looking for any photographs of Rockfield House.  It is no longer extant having been demolished along with Riversdale House, Westbrook Lodge and Rockfield Lodge  to make way for the construction of Rockfield Central and the Balally LUAS Station.  The Culleton family lived there for a period up to the 1930s.  Have you any photos of the house or know where there may be one ?